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Længste distance
sidste 2 dage
1. Steen Karlsen (59)
12.6 km Løb

2. Kaj M T Madsen (72)
10.6 km Løb

3. Bjarne Balleby (69)
9.8 km Løb

Hurtigste træningspas
sidste 2 dage
1. Jannick Kjersgaard (50)
7.18 km Løb - Konkurrence
16.24 km/t

2. Steen Karlsen (59)
12.6 km Løb
12.15 km/t

3. Jannick Kjersgaard (50)
9.45 km Løb - Restitution
11.66 km/t

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af Carsten Staehr, 09-07-2007
Beamish Tram Challenge 2007


Sunday, 25th June

If you ever what to try a race with a different twist then The Beamish Tram Challenge comes Highly recommended.

The Beamish Tram Challenge is an annual athletics fixture that pits man against machine.

Beamish Tram Challege 2007

It takes place at Beamish Open air Museum in the North East of England, near Newcastle upon Tyne. Beamish tells the story of the people of The North East at two important point of their History - 1825 and 1913.

In 1825 the region was rural and thinly populated. The industrial revolution, especially the coming of the railways, accelerated change. By 1913 the region's heavy industries were at their peak.

It involve runners trying to beat one of the Museum's historic trams around the track, but the 10k route carries on through the surrounding woods and finishes in the grounds of Beamish Hall Hotel.

The event is the brainchild of children's author Terry Deary, a Beamish Trustee, and aims to raise funds to enable disadvantaged children to visit Beamish, and for the junior section of Derwentside Athletic Club.

I had the privilege to ensure a place in this year¿s race and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is basically a race of two half's, the first on tarmac trying to beat the tram and believe me that is difficult. Spot prices is awarded to anybody who succeed and I must admit I failed miserably. The last 5K are in the very hilly woods and due to recent heavy rainfall (Flooding), it was more like an assault course. This however made it even more fun and after an hour the finish line at Beamish Hall was crossed.

Every runner receives a goody bag including a Beamish Mug, drinks, chocolate bars but the bacon sandwich was the highlight.

I can highly recommend that if you ever have the opportunity to participate, this is definitely a worthwhile experience.

The race is well organised and set in beautiful surroundings and it is not every day you get to the chance to outrun a tram.

For more information see below link:



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