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Længste distance
sidste 2 dage
1. Súni Jacobsen (57)
10 km Løb - Test

2. bjarke breyt (70)
8 km Løb

3. Thomas Christensen (49)
7 km Gang

Hurtigste træningspas
sidste 2 dage
1. Súni Jacobsen (57)
10 km Løb - Test
11.58 km/t

2. Súni Jacobsen (57)
3 km Løb - Jogging
11.53 km/t

3. Allan Sørensen (66)
4 km Løb
9.19 km/t

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af Carsten Staehr, 04-04-2015
Brass Monkey Half Marathon 2015

The phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off (or on) a brass monkey" is a colloquial expression used by many English people and that is probably a good way to start the story about my resent run in the Brass Monkey Half marathon in Yorkshire on cold morning on the 18th January  2015.


Race HQ is at the main pavilion at York racecourse ¿ a luxurious venue for a road race headquarters with good parking available in or nearby and a large 2 floor areas with café / bar available and plenty of toilets and open spaces for changing. There is an information desk; well-run baggage stores also which helps with logistics; and massages were also available

This year, The Brass Monkey Half Marathon was so true to its name. Very cold ( -2 Degrees) and  icy conditions but  a beautiful blue sky welcomed every runner at the Race course. It was one of those mornings that made you happy just looking up at the sky with you fellow runners.

Race coordinators ensured that everyone was aware of the issues out on the course, and particular attention was to be paid to miles 6 and 7 which posed a risk due to the ice ( read Black ice)  which could not be cleared. MP3¿s were banned from use so that all runners were alert and could listen to the marshals on route (who were fantastic absolutely fantastic and helpful


The route is shaped like a spoon, with runners going off on a straight route and then through villages on a loop, then back to the straight home again. There were fantastic support from locals and relatives of runners out on the course through every single village which helped you forget the cold and continue running but standing around in that temperature must have been rather chilling!


I managed to finish the course as part of my preparation to Barcelona Marathon and is one those races you just want to do every year. The organisation is perfect, The crowd in the small Yorkshire villages support you all the way  and did I mention that every runner receive an long sleeved technical Running shirt to prove that you do run in cold and icy conditions. Top mark to a great run which I can only recommend if you are in North East of England in January

To get a space in the race which is limited to 1500 and very popular is not easy. If you want to get into the Brass Monkey Half Marathon you need to watch out for the registration time (usually late autumn) and be at your keyboard at 6 am in the morning with your credit/debit card in hand, at the start time for registration as this now sells out in about 45 minutes but it is well worth it!.

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